This is another excerpt form PM Network. The article
entitled "Project Management: How Much is Enough?" was
authored by John Byrne and appeared in the February 1999
issue. Mr. Byrne's background is in construction projects,
but his observations are applicable in Information Systems
as well. Here are some highlights.
The author suggests that typical project management costs
will be 9 to 15 percent of the total project cost. He then
shares the following perspectives.
"The level of project management on small projects needs to
be kept to a minimum -utilize a concise scope of work, a
milestone schedule, and a limited number of accounts for
budgeting and tracking purposes. It is unlikely that a
small project can justify support from the project controls
group (i.e. project office).
"On medium-sized projects a higher degree of project
management can be justified. After all, the company is
funding a project that will require a larger monetary
outlay with increased risks. The project manager may only
have limited, if any, responsibilities outside his or her
normal roles and responsibilities. A limited amount of
support form the project controls staff may also be
effective for medium-sized projects.
"On large projects the project manager may have a dedicated
staff to support the project, including one or more people
from project controls, possibly a project coordinator, and
administrative or clerical support. The stakes continue to
rise as the size of the project increases in cost and
complexity. Scopes, schedules, and budgets will likely
increase in complexity as the dollars increase; however,
they do not necessarily have to increase proportionally.
They can be efficient and effective at the same time.
"These guidelines are by no means absolute, but can provide
a project manager with some targets to keep project
management costs reasonable. Nevertheless, projects may
have specific challenges that can skew the norm.
"The BOTTOM LINE is that
project management and its associated costs should add
value to the project. Too much and you're
making the project more complicated than it needs to be;
too little and you may end up wasting dollars due to a lack
of proper planning. As Albert Einstein once wrote, 'Things
should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler.'
As project managers, it is our responsibility to find the
right level of project management -- a level that adds
value in our minds and the minds of our customers."
(Byrne, John "Project Management: How Much is Enough?",
PM Network, February 1999, pp. 49-52.)