Don't fly
blind. Before proceeding with an IS project,
you should consider an objective review of project status,
plans, schedules, estimates, technical directions, and
benefit valuations. To ignore these assessments up-front is
to invite disaster - especially with larger, more
expensive, or more strategic projects.
TriPro provides comprehensive project evaluations known as
Independent Project Assessments
(IPAs). In conducting an IPA, TriPro will
work with your management and project team to identify
issues, risks, and opportunities, and to develop
recommendations accordingly.
IPA's are normally conducted after systems specifications
and firm estimates and schedules have been developed.
However, an IPA may be scheduled at any time to provide
management with assurance of a project's effectiveness.
TriPro will organize and facilitate IPAs from three
perspectives: (1) project management; (2) business fit; and
(3) technical soundness. As a result, you can
expect lower project costs, improved on-time delivery, and
an increased probability of meeting business